Neurodivergent-Friendly Recruitment Processes

Expert Guidance for Inclusive Recruitment

Our team provides expert guidance in crafting recruitment strategies that are specifically designed to attract neurodiverse talent.

We work closely with your organisation to understand your needs and goals, then tailor our advice to help you develop processes that are not only inclusive but also effective.

From initial job postings to the final stages of the hiring process, we ensure that every step is designed to attract and accommodate the diverse needs of neurodivergent candidates.

Recruitment with Inclusive Change

From initial job postings to the final stages of the hiring process, we ensure that every step is designed to attract and accommodate the diverse needs of neurodivergent candidates.


Comprehensive Reviews and Barrier Elimination

We offer comprehensive reviews and audits of your current recruitment practices to identify any barriers that might inadvertently exclude neurodivergent candidates. Our thorough assessments uncover potential obstacles in job descriptions, application processes, interview techniques, and assessment methods. By identifying these barriers, we provide you with clear insights into areas for improvement, ensuring that your recruitment practices are as inclusive as possible.


Customised Action Plans for Inclusive Hiring

Following our review, we deliver customised action plans that outline clear, actionable steps to enhance your recruitment processes. These plans are tailored to your organisation’s specific needs, offering practical solutions to create a more inclusive and accessible hiring process. From reworking job descriptions and advising on reasonable adjustments, to implementing alternative assessment methods, our action plans provide a roadmap for meaningful change that can help you attract and retain neurodiverse talent.


Ongoing Consultation for Continuous Improvement

Inclusion is an ongoing process, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. We provide ongoing consultation and support to ensure sustained progress and continuous improvement in your neurodivergent-friendly recruitment practices. Our team is available to help you address new challenges as they arise, refine your strategies over time, and maintain an inclusive recruitment process that evolves with your organisation’s needs.


Strategic Support in Inclusive Recruitment Practices

We offer strategic support in developing inclusive job descriptions, interview techniques, and assessment methods that align with the needs of neurodivergent candidates. Our experts guide you in crafting job postings that appeal to a broader audience, designing interviews that reduce bias and anxiety, and implementing assessment methods that accurately reflect a candidate’s potential. By adopting these inclusive practices, your organisation can better assess the skills and abilities of neurodiverse candidates, leading to more successful hires and diverse talent pool.

Why Choose Inclusive Change for Neurodivergent-Friendly Recruitment?

✅Specialised Expertise: We bring deep knowledge of neurodiversity and inclusive recruitment practices, ensuring that your hiring processes are designed to attract and accommodate a diverse range of candidates.

✅Tailored Solutions: Our services are customised to meet your organisation’s specific needs, providing practical, actionable steps that lead to real improvements..

✅Comprehensive Approach: From audits to action plans, we offer a complete suite of services to help you create a truly inclusive recruitment process.

✅Sustained Support: We’re committed to your long-term success, offering ongoing consultation to help you continuously improve and adapt your recruitment practices.

✅Enhanced Employer Brand: By adopting neurodivergent-friendly recruitment strategies, you position your organisation as a leader in inclusivity, attracting top talent and a different way of thinking, along with enhancing your reputation as an employer of choice.

Transform Your Hiring Process to Embrace Neurodiverse Talent

🌟Creating a Welcoming Application Process:

We help you design an application process that is accessible and welcoming to neurodivergent candidates. This includes simplifying job descriptions, providing clear and unambiguous instructions, and offering multiple ways for candidates to apply. By removing common barriers in the application process, we ensure that neurodivergent individuals can showcase their skills and experience without unnecessary stress or confusion

🌟Training Hiring Managers and Teams:

Inclusive recruitment requires understanding and empathy at every level of the hiring process. We provide training for hiring managers and recruitment teams to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct inclusive interviews and assessments. This training includes guidance on avoiding unconscious bias, understanding different communication styles, and creating a supportive interview environment that allows neurodivergent candidates to perform at their best


of people with autism report feeling well-supported at work


of adults with autism have worked full-time for a year or more


of creative industry employers do not have policies in place to support neurodivergent staff


of neurodivergent employees in the UK fear discrimination

"Thank you so much for coming to speak to us today, everyone really enjoyed the session. Perhaps we can do a longer session in the future as I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback this afternoon."

HR Manager

"We had some very positive feedback along with commitments to try some of the techniques and strategies discussed. I was particularly pleased that so many people chose to share their experiences with the group in a very open manner and I’m sure that reflects on the way you ran the session and the trust that was able to develop within the group.

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